Contact Kat

Have any questions? Any feedback on the free lessons? Check out the frequently asked questions for more information, or contact me and I will answer your Current Ritual questions. Please direct health-related questions to your primary care doctor or another local health care professional, as Current Ritual does not provide individualized consultation.

Have a Question?

Not ready to join the Current Ritual community? If you have questions or concerns, please fill out the form and I will get back to you. Thanks for being here.

Frequently Asked Questions

As you begin this journey, you may have several questions about what Current Ritual is and how it works...especially for your needs and those you care for. Refer to our FAQ section for help, but if your question isn’t answered here, we encourage you to reach out to us.

Current ritual is an educational platform and does not offer individualized therapy. If you enjoy the approach of current ritual, you can talk to your primary care physician about a referral to an occupational therapist in your area.